Thailand Vacation Seminar with Masters Charles Muir & Mantak Chia January 5th-15th, 2020

YOU ARE INVITED TO AN EXQUISITE THAILAND VACATION RETREAT ON JANUARY 5th-15th, 2020 [btn text=”Learn more about the Meeting of the Masters Retreat here!” tcolor=#FFF bcolor=#800080 thovercolor=#FFF link=”” target=”_blank”] Imagine traveling to the magical gardens of Thailand where you will … Continued

The Love Dance: Tantric Lovemaking Positions {Video}

The Love Dance: Tantric Lovemaking Positions in Action Tantra Master Charles Muir and his wife Christy share tips and live demonstrations that will change the way you make love. Yoga positions and tantric meditation practices can be incorporated into lovemaking. … Continued

The Bija Mantra {Video}

posted in: Tantra Education, Tantra Yoga | 0

Tantra Tip: Awaken energy and consciousness in all the chakras by chanting the Bija Mantra. [kad_youtube url=”” ] Practice the Bija Mantra to activate the sleeping energy and cleanse the nadis. LAM~VAM~RAM~YAM~HAM~OOO~MM (LoVeRYouHOMe)    

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