Couples Tantra Retreat at Esalen October 11-16th, 2020

Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving Couples Workshop at Esalen in Big Sur, California – October 11-16, 2020


Esalen is a exclusive retreat center along the remarkable coastline of Big Sur, California. Recently reopened, this week long retreat with Charles Muir, Christy Muir, Orion Muir and Diane Greenberg is a “reset point” for couples who want to dramatically improve the quality of sex and intimacy in their love lives and open up to more ecstatic pleasure and spiritual connection in their relationship.

Learn more about the Couples Retreat at Esalen Here!

a_journey_to_esalen_inline_5Few of us have been blessed with healthy childhood conditioning and education regarding the mysteries of sexual love and relationship. This can leave individuals less successful and conscious in their sexuality than they are in other aspects of their lives.

Tantra transforms sex into a loving meditation, putting more consciousness, energy, intimacy, joy, and love into sexual exchanges.

It is time to study sex as an art form. Sexual loving is a vital meditative skill, and sexual energy is a sacrament that can bring great harmony and joy into one’s relationship so that love continues to grow over the course of a lifetime.

Practices include ways to deepen intimacy, free female sexual orgasm, and methods to increase pleasure for both partners. Esoteric practices of kiss, movement, and touch are introduced in class and then practiced in the privacy of your own room.

Discover tantric wisdom presented with insight, gentleness, humor, and love.

Learn more about the Couples Retreat at Esalen Here!

The workshop is open to couples only and is not designed for same-sex couples. For more information, media reviews, and an instruction video, visit


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