“By letting go of so many unnecessary things that held me back, I was given the gift of accessing more room for expansion and the ability to fill my body with more love, joy, peace, excitement, passion, empathy and compassion.” ~ Tantra Student
“Tantra Stories” is a series of touching testimonials from our Source School of Tantra Yoga seminar students. This story is written by a married woman who was able to set loving boundaries that allowed her to let go of anxieties that no longer served her. Learn more about our Tantra Seminars HERE!

I came to the Source Tantra Beginners Weekend Seminar as a scared little girl of forty-nine years. I brought with me many restrictions, anxieties, and “no’s” that I was not even aware of. With each challenge and experience, I was continually amazed and surprised by what I learned about myself over the weekend.
My husband and I came as a couple. Having just come out of a very difficult and transitional place in our relationship, we were not sure if we would stay together or split for the practices. By the time we were asked, for each of the practices, it no longer seemed to be a question to stay as a couple or split. I learned that in order to face our fears, as well as dreams, this just seemed right.
We both felt safe and were able to go forth and grow as individuals, and come back to each other with more love, and passion than ever before.
We set agreeable and firm guidelines that were not to be compromised. That in itself was one of the biggest lessons for us, boundary setting. Being in this environment of beauty, surrounded by so many people from all walks of life, and feeling so much acceptance and unconditional love made all of this possible. I learned that it didn’t have to be so painful and out of control to release the emotions I had been carrying for a lifetime.
By letting go of so many unnecessary things that held me back, I was given the gift of accessing more room for expansion and the ability to fill my body with more love, joy, peace, excitement, passion, empathy and compassion.
I learned that all of the negative emotions of jealousy, mistrust, insecurity, and self-consciousness were not things I needed to hold onto. That they did not serve me or my life anymore. Acknowledging, releasing and processing these feelings, and setting the intention to bring in more love, joy, play, peace and light into my being has been dramatically life changing for me.
I have been so well armored all of my life that it made it so hard for me to access and accept my true self, the real me. I had a healing ritual regarding my breast cancer and evolving it into a re-birthing for me. It was so powerful, for myself and my husband, as well as all of the people that surrounded us with unconditional love and acceptance.
Charles reminded me, “You don’t need to survive any more just live.” This energy has filled every cell and fiber of my being and has changed me forever.
This training and results have made my relationship with my husband so much stronger and deeper than I could have ever imagined. We both feel equal, balanced and we love to love. I would recommend this training for any singles and couples who want to follow a wonderful spiritual path.
~ L.P. Tantra Student