Tantra Masters Charles & Caroline Muir (originators of the Sacred Spot Massage) reveal their secrets gleamed from over 35 years of practicing and teaching experience in this multi-media home study course: THE SACRED SPOT: A COMPLETE TANTRA YOGA GUIDE TO FEMALE SEXUAL HEALING AND AWAKENING!
What is the “Sacred Spot”? Read this.
Couples assume the “nurturing position” during a Sacred Spot Ritual to create energetic and emotional harmony.

This meditation can prepare a couple for the intimacy of the Sacred Spot Massage, or can allow them a few moments of intimacy in a busy day.
Lie together spoon-fashion on their LEFT side (for energy flow).
The RECEIVER on the inside is enveloped in the arms of the GIVER on the outside.
Tucked together in this way, with their chakras aligned front to back, the two bodies tune one another.
With the GIVER holding the woman, his RIGHT hand should rest on her heart chakra, between the breasts.
The GIVERS LEFT arm should slip under the crook of her neck (the weight of his head borne by a pillow so his arm is free to move) and his LEFT hand should rest on her forehead (sixth chakra) or on top of the head (seventh chakra).
As you lie together, close your eyes and relax. Quiet your mind by focusing on deep breathing.
Couples can choose to do either the Harmonizing Breath or the Reciprocal Charging Breath.
This meditation should last five to ten minutes and weaves the two partner’s energies together.
Upon completion, sit up and face one another to eye gaze, no words, just be present with one another.
At this point, communicate before you move onto the Sacred Spot Massage.
The purpose of this Nurturing Position is to create the balance necessary for harmony, to influence a synchronicity between the partners, to adjust their separate energies so that they are vibrating on the same frequency.
* Excerpt from “The Sacred Spot: A Handbook for Sexual Awakening” by Charles and Caroline Muir.
Read Part One of the Sacred Spot Ritual blog series: INTENTION.
Read Part Two of the Sacred Spot Ritual blog series: SETTING THE MOOD.
In this multimedia kit (Instructional Book, 90min DVD and Two 60min Audio CDs) you will learn everything you need to know about how to give and receive Sacred Spot Massage.
Discover never before shared techniques: stroking, mudras, positions, energy work, teamwork, powerful visualizations, affirmations, meditations and so much more.
This product is an incredible at-home learning course, and the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one!
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